Sunday, August 30, 2015

Testing the pH of Bottled Water

I am not completely against bottled water – it serves a purpose at times. But bottled water isn’t nearly as good for you as their big marketing firms would have you believe. I have talked about the environmental impact water bottles have here, but today we are going to talk about the pH levels of 20 different brands of bottled water.  

Bottled Water

Of the 20 brands, a whopping 13 of them were too acidic for healthy, every day consumption. Here’s how they broke down:

Wal-Mart distilled water – 5
Wal-Mart drinking water – 4.5
Wal-Mart spring water – 7
Gerber Pure water – 6.5
Nestle Pure Life – 6.5
Ice Mountain – 6
Smart Water – 6
Aquafina – 5
Evian – 7
Essentia – 9
Function Water – 6.5
Super Chill 7.5
Absopure – 7.5
Fiji – 7
Evamore – 8
Penta – 4
Poland Spring Water – 5.8
Dasani – 4.5
Voss – 6
Eternal – 7

alkaline water water ph

Here is the video I made showing the testing each of these brands of water.

Reasons I Avoid Bottled Water

 1.      The petroleum-based bottles have been shown to leach chemicals into the water.                            
 2.      So few bottles of water are recycled and billions end up in the landfill annually.                             
 3.  It has been estimated that it takes the equivalent of 17 million barrels of oil to manufacture the bottles used annually, which doesn’t include transportation to distribute the bottles. It also takes 3 times the water than it does for each bottle. So a 20 ounce bottle of water requires 60 ounces of water to produce, which includes the water it takes to fill the bottle.

I highly recommend getting an electric water ionizer or minimally the WellBlue water pitcher. Both will give you alkaline water that is very healthy for you and your family. 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Your Pets and Alkaline Ionized Water

For many of us, drinking alkaline water is a necessity, but have you ever thought about the health benefits this water would have on Fido or Fluffy? Read further to see just what this water can do for your favorite four-legged friend.

Animals and Water

pets and alkaline water, alkaline ionized water

Cats and dogs need a sufficient amount of water just as we humans do. Generally dogs need ½-1 ounce of water per pound and cats need about an ounce per pound. So if you have a 50-lb dog, then he/she should be drinking 25-50 ounces per day, or 3-6 cups. This can vary depending on how hot it is, how much physical activity they are getting, how old they are, etc. If you are uncertain, consult with your veterinarian. As a side note, if your dog or cat starts drinking more or less water, let your vet know right away because this is often the first sign of illness.

The Benefits of Alkaline Water in Your Pet

The same ways you benefit from alkaline water are the same ways your pet will, too. The antioxidant property of alkaline water goes a long way in helping your pet eliminate free radicals, the pH level of the water can help raise the pH of your pet’s body, and the micro-clustering of the water makes it easier for the cell’s of your pet’s body to absorb the water and flush out built up acidic waste in the body.

The diet of cats and dogs has gone downhill in recent years. This is due in great part to the addition of corn as a staple in their store-bought food. Corn is not a food cats and dogs are supposed to eat. Their diet should consist primarily of protein, but a lot of pet foods have unnecessary and cheap fillers in them. You can tell by a dog’s coat. It should be shiny. Is your dog’s coat shiny or dull? A dull coat indicates it’s not getting enough protein in their diet. Corn is also metabolized by cats and dogs like we metabolize sugar. This can lead to sugar highs and sugar crashes, just like we experience when reaching for the mid-afternoon donut.

By eating this type of diet, your pet’s body becomes acidic and builds up acidic waste. And what does alkaline ionized water do with built-up waste in the body? You guessed it! It helps flush it out!

Animals also have a very keen since of smell. They smell the added chemicals in our tap water, the chlorine, fluoride, etc. And when given a bowl of tap water and a bowl of alkaline ionized water to drink, your pet will one-for-one choose the alkaline water.  

Conditions Alleviated by Giving Your Pets Alkaline Ionized Water

There are testimonials of dogs with allergies becoming allergy free once switching to alkaline water. Arthritis has also been greatly alleviated, if not completely gotten rid of.

Here is a list of pet ailments reduced if not handled permanently with alkaline ionized water:

Weight loss
Joint pain
Patches in fur
Dull coat

I hope this has given you a little more information on the importance of the right type of water for your animal(s). And this doesn’t just apply to cats and dogs. Livestock have enjoyed the same benefits as cats and dogs when given alkaline ionized water. So, if you raise cows, pigs, goat, etc, or know someone who does, pass this along to them. It might just make a difference.

In one study, dairy cows switched to alkaline experienced these miraculous results:

1. Enhanced milk production by 18% - 28%.
2. Significant improvement in the quality of milk.
3. Strong feces and urine odors were eliminated.
4. Healthier skin condition.
5. Decreased injury to the udder.
6. Reduced diarrhea
7. Strengthening of the legs by 26 % increased bone density.
8. Improved appetite.
9. Able to decrease mineral supplements routinely supplemented to the diet
10. As a result of improved health together with denser bone, the productive life of the cows was extended.
11. Greater fertility rate and reduced stillbirths.
12. A noticeably increased appetite; no new supplements were added to their diet. Increase in appetite noted in older cows as well.
13. Food well digested.
14. A beautiful sheen on the cow's hair.
15. Higher fertility rate; higher pregnancy rate.
16. New-born calves fed with alkaline water matured quicker.
17. A dramatic increase in milk production.
18. Improved liver condition.
19. Strengthened legs.
20. Minimizing of sicknesses; tremendously improved health condition. There were fewer visits by vets.
21. No adverse conditions noted from consumption of alkaline water.
Feel free to pass this along on social media, email it to your friends, tweet it, pin it or however else you want to share it. Comment below, too, with any thoughts or questions!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Do You Still Feel Dehydrated Even After Drinking Plenty of Water?

There are many of us who drink glass of water after glass of water and still feel dehydrated. You think “I have drunk 5 bottles of water today, but I still feel thirsty!” Well, we know exactly why! Are you ready to find out the answer? Keep reading!

dehydration, drinking water, alkaline water, ionized water

Sulfur and the Health of Your Cells

Your cells need sulfur in order to transport oxygen and water through the cell membrane. When your diet is depleted or lacking sulfur your cell walls are not pliable enough to allow the adequate passing of oxygen and water across the cell wall. This leads to dehydration in the body, among other things.

Our diet today is greatly lacking in this important nutrient. The soil our produce grows in is thoroughly depleted of sulfur. This means the grass the cows are eating is, too.

Alkaline Ionized Water and Hydration

When you drink alkaline ionized water, the smaller clusters of water molecules are far easier for your cells to absorb. This hydrates and oxygenates your cells, while carrying away acidic waste. The water better cleanses your cells of the toxic build up it so badly needs to be rid of.

I’m sure you have smelled the rotten egg odor from well water. This water is rich in sulfur and is actually good for your body. Today’s water in most, if not all, municipalities is stripped of this essential mineral. That, combined with a diet deficient in sulfur, leads to dehydration.

Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water

I cannot stress to you enough just how important it is to invest in an electric water ionizer for yourself, your spouse, your children. Staying hydrated is so very important to your overall health. 

Below you will find symptoms of chronic dehydration. See how many of these you and your loved 
ones have.

Ashtma and allergies
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Hot flashes
Kidney stones
Chronic fatigue

Also, if you are waiting until you are thirsty to grab for that glass of water, you are actually waiting too long. You should be drinking water all day long. Even if you just sip it and drink 2-3 ounces at a time. And, remember, a good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. So, if you are 150 pounds you should be drinking 75 ounces of water per day.  

I hope his has helped enlighten you on the importance of hydration. Leave your comments/questions below. 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Can I Boil or Freeze My Ionized Water?

There are some changes you can make to your ionized water that won’t have drastic effects on its ORP or pH, but there are some changes I don’t recommend you make to your ionized water if you want to keep the good qualities of your water.


ionized water, boiling ionized water

I don’t recommend boiling your ionized water. When the ionized water is exposed to air it oxidizes and loses its antioxidant property. Boiling the water oxidizes the water very quickly and so it loses its ORP, making it more acidic.


Maybe you’d like to warm up a cup of water for tea or some such beverage. I tested the temperature of microwaved water up to 108 degrees and found that it didn’t affect the properties of the water that much. So, go ahead and warm up that mug of ionized water for a warm cup of tea or lemon water.


stainless steel ice cube tray, ionized water, freezing ionized water

I didn’t find that freezing ionized water had much effect on its good properties. The ORP went down slightly, but not too much. The pH hardly dropped at all. If you, like me, love ice in your water, I suggest getting yourself some stainless steel ice trays, filling them up with ionized water and sticking them in the freezer right away.

Adding Supplements

I highly recommend adding your electrolyte supplements, vitamins and minerals to your ionized water. The micro-clustering of the water helps you absorb even more of the supplement than you would in tap or bottled water.

pH Before
ORP Before
pH After
ORP After
Cup of ice water

Monday, August 3, 2015

Body Odor

It’s been hot. Really hot. And like most people I’m sure you’ve noticed the occasional spell of body odor. But, there are many people who deal with excessive body odor on a routine basis. We are going to go over how you can reduce, if not eliminate, your excess body odor naturally.

body odor, ph, alkaline water, acid

Sweating is a completely normal bodily function. It is actually how your body cools itself down. However, sometimes a bad odor comes along with the sweating. A strong odor is usually caused by a pH imbalance in the body.

How We Sweat

There are two types of sweat glands. The first is located in areas where there are hair follicles, such as the groin area, the underarms and the scalp. The other kind of sweat gland is located over most of your body’s surface and is what cools your body down. When these latter sweat glands release the salty sweat onto the surface of the skin, the sweat evaporates, cooling you down. The first sweat gland mentioned secretes the substance via the hair follicle. It is naturally odorless, but the bacteria on the skin break down this fluid, thus creating a foul odor.

What Affects the Production of Body Odor?

There are many different factors involved with the smell of your body odor. These include genetics, your diet, where you are in your menstrual cycle (for women), your emotional condition, your health and whether you have an illness, etc.

But one of the biggest contributors to an excessively foul odor is the pH of your body. Sweat is also a function of ridding the body of toxins. When you are too acidic the body attempts to balance your pH by sweating out the acidic waste. If your body was at the optimum level of alkalinity you wouldn’t deal with body odor as much, if at all.

How to Make Your Body More Alkaline

To naturally handle your body odor, instead of masking it with harmful antiperspirants and perfumes, I strongly suggest starting from the inside out. Start eating more alkaline foods, and cutting out acidic ones. And of course get yourself and your family an electronic water ionizer. Start drinking ½ your weight in fluid ounces of quality alkaline ionized water. While you’re waiting for the long-term effects of handling your body odor, you can apply apple cider vinegar to your underarms to kill any bacteria. Or you could apply a thin layer of a baking soda/water paste. Baking soda is great at neutralizing odors and alkalizing.

Here is another more in-depth article on making your body more alkaline: 

Also, watch this video where I personally demonstrate testing your body's pH level. I recommend checking your pH level while you work on making yourself more alkaline. 

I hope this has been informative! Let me know if you have any questions.