Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What is ORP and why is Alkaline Water Good for You?

There is another benefit to alkaline water that I should go over with you.  This is called ORP or oxidation reduction potential.   This is another way of saying antioxidant.  

Here is an example of oxidation in an apple.

Oxidation is a chemical reaction. Active oxygen [O2+] circulates the body, stealing electrons & damaging the cells. This is called a free radical. A free radical is an unbalanced oxygen molecule with an unpaired electron. It needs another electron to be stable and steals it from your cells. This process is called oxidation. 
Ionized water produces a Negative ORP [oxidation reduction potential]...which is really good. With a Negative ORP you get lots of extra negatively charged electrons to combine with the free radicals formed by oxidation. This makes them stable again and non-threatening to your cell health. There are no better, more easily absorbable antioxidants that a person could consume than those found in the OH- ions in alkaline ionized water.

One additional advantage to alkaline ionized water is that it is micro-clustered.  This means that the water molecules are in smaller clusters or bunches and it makes it much easier to absorb into the body.  So you can get the benefits of alkaline ionized water much better and faster than regular water and since it is alkaline and ionized the benefits are far greater than regular water!
Visit our site to learn more:


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Alkaline Water Basics- Balancing Your Body's pH

I often get questions on why alkaline water is better than any other type of water.  Today I want to go over the basic ideas behind body pH and why alkaline water is key in balancing your body's pH.

To start off, the average person in today's society lives a very acidic lifestyle.  Meats, grains, dairy, tea, coffee, soft drinks, to name a few, are all acidic.  Your blood must maintain a balance of 7.365 pH at all times. The alternative is death.  Therefore, your body will do anything in it's power to keep the blood at that pH.  It will take calcium from your bones, it will trap acidic wastes in fat cells and store them in order to protect itself against becoming over acidic.

I actually have a good friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer of the colon.  She had to have a colostomy.  She tested her body's pH with our pH paper and her saliva pH was at a 6.5 before she started drinking alkaline water.  A healthy adult should be at around 7.3-7.4 pH.  She started religiously drinking alkaline ionized water. About three months later tested again and she tested at a 7.2!  She is now doing really well and does not have any signs of any more cancer developing.  In fact, I know at one point she was thinking about getting chemotherapy but now she doesn't think that it will be necessary.

For more information on pH paper please visit our site:

Alkaline water is key in balancing out the acidic diets that we consume.  It will actually start to change the pH of your body by allowing your body to rid itself of the acidic wastes it has been storing in fat cells etc.  In fact, often times, people who start drinking alkaline water will be able to lose weight much easier as a result of the body being able to release those toxins.  There are many benefits to alkaline water.  It varies from person to person what benefits you will see and feel, depending on your current health and lifestyle.  In any case, alkaline water will help anyone in their endeavor to live a healthy and active life!

Water is a very powerful resource.  Where you find water, you find life.  Imagine how much you could improve upon your life if you had all the benefits of the healthiest type of water you can find!