Monday, December 4, 2023

Low Energy Levels in Blood Could Kill You


Recent Research on Dead Water vs Vibrant Energized Water

There is a very good reason we should drink only energized water. Look at the picture above to see what low energy levels in blood do to you. The dangers of clumping, sticky blood or "rouleaux" are very real. And they are much more common than anyone is aware of.

How Do You Find Out the Energy Levels of Your Blood?

I suggest you start by reading Dr. Beverly Rubik Discoveries about energized water vs dead water. Rubik is a world renowned bio-physicist and has spent the last 20 years studying the body's energy levels and the effect of energized water vs dead water on it. If you read that full article and watch the video of her presentation, you will understand quite a lot about water and health based on her decades of experience.

Why Do the Energy Levels in Our Blood Matter?

Our red blood cells are supposed to stay apart from each other. This way our blood can flow in and out of tissues or organs and all around the body freely and loosely. (See right side of picture.)

But what happens with clumping or clotting blood (left side of picture) is that the red blood cells become sticky and attracted to each other, like magnets. Red blood cells are coin-shaped disks. They look like rolls of coins when the blood is lacking the energy (negatively charged electrons) to keep them apart and flowing. 

How Do the Energy Levels of Our Blood Get So Low?

There two most common reasons are:
  1. We drink too little water and become dehydrated.
  2. We drink energy-depleted dead water which doesn't supply us the extra negatively charged electrons the blood needs to keep the red blood cells from sticking to each other.

Which is the Worst Water?

Both bottled water and tap water, even if it's filtered well, are "dead" in the sense that the energy-levels are too low to properly support vibrant and long life. No matter how "great" the water was at its source, it's impossible for water to arrive to you either at your tap or in a bottle in anything but a "dead" energetic, condition.

But even worse than this are all of the various soft drinks people drink today.

Which is the Best Water and How Do You Get It?

There is so much data behind this answer, and I really urge you to read the article I referenced. But the fast answer is: a water ionizer will restructure water the best of all devices. It will also filter it the best. 

It should be noted that a user-friendly fairly simple water ionizer can make enough healing energized water for the whole family for just pennies a day.

Does this Mean You Can Never Drink Soda or Other Water?

No. Our bodies can withstand a lot. But it is important that we at least get 4-8 glasses (32 - 64 oz) of energized water per day in order to keep the blood healthy and flowing properly.

Monday, November 20, 2023

What is Cool Sculpting? And Can You Freeze Fat Yourself?

Freezing white fat or belly fat is a process that you can learn how to do yourself. You don't need a professional, but you do need guidance.

Cool Sculpting

Fat is unique in that it freezes at 39°. The rest of your body wouldn't freeze unless subjected to much lower temperatures. But you can freeze fat. So if you put an ice pack on the skin, the fat which is directly below the skin will get cool enough to either:

  1. freeze and kill the fat cells or
  2. transform the surface-level bad fat to good "brown fat".

Freezing Belly Fat

What to do about the two types of fat: Get rid of white fat (AKA belly fat) and keep the brown. Better yet - make more brown fat.

Brown fat is much smaller and firmer than white. And the more brown fat you have, the better the metabolism. And healthier you are.

The worst areas of the body fat are around the belly. This is because white fat tends to accumulate there. This stubborn fat can lead you on a vicious cycle of obesity and disease.

Safely sculpt white fat all over the body (belly, love handles, upper arms, thighs) with the expert techniques I teach in my book. And watch your clothing size go down, down, down.

Turn that white fat into brown fat cells by applying intense cold ice packs to the treatment areas, without yourself getting cold. You won't have any discomfort whatsoever. I guarantee it.

Is Belly Fat Freezing Safe?

Yes, if you know how to do it properly. My e-book lays it all out. You need the information in my e-book to be safe both in freezing fat and in losing weight, period. The book covers:

  • How to effectively and safely lose weight without plateaus or health risks.
  • How to freeze belly fat (clear step-by-step instructions).
  • Learn how long and how often to do fat freezing safely and effectively.
  • Whether you're dieting or cool sculpting fat, you should be 100% safe, comfortable and even have fun.
  • How to watch your belly fat and clothing size reduce by the week.
  • Discover how to lose weight at the same time as you improve your metabolism.
  • Learn why other diet programs didn't work.

Cool Sculpting is Not Just a Cosmetic Procedure

One's overall health is at risk if you have more white fat than your body needs. The only ways to safely get rid of it is in this book.

Don't ever do cool sculpting or any kind of weight-loss program for that matter without the information in this book.

Be Assured This E-Book is 100% For Your Benefit

  • This program is all in the book. No extra costs or wasted money, and even save money.
  • This book takes all the pain, worry and discomfort out of dieting. You get the exact right information for success.
  • It comes with a lifetime 100% satisfaction guarantee.
  • 150% of the proceeds from all book sales goes to charity.

The Alkaline Plus Nutritional Weight Loss Program 100% Lifetime Satisfaction Guarantee

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Alkaline Drinking Water Benefits and Life Changing Results


Don't Buy Bottled Water

There are many reasons why not to buy bottled water. First of all, we're destroying our planet with plastic wastes. Water from plastic bottles is also far less healthy than filtering the water yourself. Knowing how to filter water is an essential skill that everyone should learn.

One key feature of the healthiest water is the pH (alkalinity) of it. Ideally, our drinking water should be about 8 to 9.5 pH. This will change depending on our age, diet and amount of water we drink daily.

Why Drink Alkaline Water?

Water with a pH of over 7 (neutral) is called alkaline water. You can make it with a water ionizer.

Alkaline ionized water is not only good for relieving heartburn. There are many other benefits of drinking alkaline water, such as disease prevention for over 150 diseases.

What are the Benefits of Alkaline Water?

Now, let's delve into the numerous alkaline water benifits. Apart from its potential to relieve heartburn, alkaline ionized water has other health advantages. One of the key benefits is its ability to support the body's natural detoxification process.

Drinking ionized water neutralizes harmful toxins and promotes better hydration. So, alkaline water aids in flushing out impurities from the body, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Furthermore, alkaline water improves digestion. Its higher pH level helps in neutralizing excess acidity in the stomach, which can alleviate symptoms of indigestion and acid reflux. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who frequently experience digestive discomfort.

In addition to digestive health, alkaline water has anti-aging, antioxidant, properties. Many studies show that alkaline ionized water fights free radicals. So, drinking healthy alkaline ionized water can help prevent premature aging and various diseases. By reducing oxidative stress, alkaline water may help maintain a youthful appearance and promote overall well-being.

Moreover, alkaline water supports a healthy immune system. It provides essential minerals and electrolytes, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, to fortify the body's defense mechanisms. This makes drinking ionized water help the body to be more resilient against infections and diseases.

Many individuals have reported experiencing positive effects from drinking ionized water regularly. However, it's important to note that alkaline ionized water should not replace medical advice.

The scientific evidence supporting these claims is still evolving. Visit our Research of Ionized Alkaline Water page regularly.

What is the Best Alkaline Water You Can Drink?

There is no better way to get healthy, alkaline ionized water than to buy your own alkaline water machine for home. Bottled water is a bad choice for your body and the environment. You also lose a lot when you get ionized water from a bottle, because storage loses the health properties.

Plus, a water alkaline machine is less expensive and healthier for you than buying bottles of water. When you use your own alkaline water machine it will often last ten or so years.

If you have to buy bottled water, alkaline bottled water is better than distilled water or reverse osmosis water. However, you might consider an alkaline pH pitcher as an alternative. Or, you could purchase high-quality durable stainless bottles that are just right for storing ionized water.

A water ionizer is the best kind of alkaline water system. It has filtration that is outstanding for removing contaminants. Machines for making your water ionized and alkaline can save you lots of money and they're easy to use.

In conclusion, alkaline ionized water offers a range of potential benefits, from aiding digestion to supporting a healthy immune system. Finding alkaline ionized water near you has become easier than ever, but buying your own water ionizer machine is even better.