Tuesday, June 30, 2015

50 Uses for Ionized Acid Water

I normally talk about the wonders of alkaline ionized water, but today I’m going to give you 50 uses for acid ionized water. Just as a caution, acid water is not to be consumed. Click here to learn more about the uses of ionized water.

There is both mild (4-5 pH) and strong (2.7-3.5 pH) acid water. Mildly acidic water is for the skin, 
hair and such, while the strong acidic water is for disinfecting, cleaning, etc.

50 Uses for Acid Water

Personal Hygiene:

acid water, ionized water

1.       To lessen the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the face. Speeds up skin renewal process.
2.       As a skin toner.
3.       To lessen the appearance of age spots.
4.       For dry skin patches or rough skin.
5.       Carry a bottle around and use as a hand sanitizer.  It will not dry the hands out.
6.       To replace expensive skin moisturizers and creams.
7.       As a hair conditioner.
8.       For skin rashes or baby diaper rash.
9.       To prevent shaving bumps.
10.   As an aftershave.
11.   For poison ivy and other plant rashes.
12.   On skin for eczema. Spritz three times a day and let air dry.
13.   On skin for psoriasis.
14.   On skin for rosacea.
15.   For dandruff. Use as a final rinse.
16.   For acne of every type.  Spritz on after washing and let air dry.
17.   To lessen the appearance of scars.
18.   To spray in shoes to disinfect and deodorize.
19.   In place of deodorant
20.   Pour into bath water to soften skin.
21.   Spritz on face for a refreshing pick me up.
22.   As a soak for sore rough feet.
23.   For athlete's foot.
24.   For jock itch.
25.   For female yeast infections and other female issues.
26.   For toe fungus.
27.   For ingrown toenails.

Internal Hygiene:

1.       As a mouthwash and gargle.
2.       As a toothpaste.
3.       For pink eye.
4.       For ear infections.
5.       For infected tooth or gums.
6.       As a gargle for a sore throat.
7.       As an enema.
8.       To treat bad breath.

Cleaning and Disinfecting:

cleaning, disinfecting, acid ionized water

1.       To sanitize bathrooms and kitchen counters.
2.       On cutting boards.
3.       To spray directly in refrigerator for foul odors.
4.       To spray on carpets and rubber bathtub mats.
5.       As a streak free glass and mirror cleaner.
6.       For cleaning wood floors (a light mist is all that is needed).
7.       To clean dirt and grime all over the house (removes fingerprints from drywall), etc.
8.       To sanitize the interior of your washer and dryer.
9.       On household sponges to extend their life and prevent foul odors.
10.   To spray into laundry baskets to kill mold and fungi.
11.   To disinfect human and pet bedding.
12.   For auto glass.
13.   For chrome polishing.
14.   To sanitize phones.
15.   To sanitize computer keyboards (light spritz).

What other ways do you use your acid ionized water? Feel free to share them with us in the comments below. And if you have any questions on the uses mentioned herein, feel free to contact me right away. 

Monday, June 22, 2015

Alkaline Ionized Water and High Blood Pressure

Alkaline Ionized Water and High Blood Pressure

If you’re one of the millions who suffers with high blood pressure, then continue reading. We are going to go over how numerous people have lowered their blood pressure on their own and how you can, too.

What is high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is a condition where the pressure of the blood against the artery walls is greater than normal, or greater than what is considered healthy and safe.

Your blood pressure reading is given as a ratio, e.g. 120/80 (said “one twenty over eighty”.) The top number is the pressure the blood is exerting against your artery walls when the heart is contracting and pumping the blood through your body. The bottom number is the pressure exerted when the heart is resting and filling with blood. The ideal blood pressure is below 120 for the top number and below 80 for the bottom number. 

120-139 and/or 80-89 is considered pre-hypertension (another word for high blood pressure).
140-159 and/or 90-99 is considered stage 1 high blood pressure.
160 and higher and/or 100 and higher is considered stage 2 high blood pressure.
181 and higher and/or 111 and higher is considered an emergency and you should seek immediate medical attention at the closest emergency room. 

What is the Big Deal with High Blood Pressure?

I mean, I feel fine. I don’t feel sick or unhealthy.

Well, sure. But high blood pressure is no laughing matter. While you mostly can’t feel when you 
have HBP, there are still risks involved in letting it go untreated. And it can still wreak havoc on your cardiovascular system without you realizing it.

When high blood pressure is left untreated, the artery walls become thickened, narrow and hardened with a substance called plaque. This makes it harder for the blood to pump blood throughout the body, which cuts down on the amount of oxygen-rich blood being delivered to the brain and other organs.

high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, plaque, hypertension, prehypertension

This increase of the plaque can lead to a stroke or heart attack.

High blood pressure also affects that heart by causing it to pump harder, making the walls thicker and unable to work efficiently. Over time this can cause the heart to be unable to pump blood well enough and causes congestive heart failure. Not good!

So, What Can be Done About it?

Blood delivers oxygen and other nutrients to the tissue in your body and transports waste products away from the tissue. The blood is roughly 95% water, so when you are dehydrated your blood thickens up, even if ever so slightly. This makes it harder for the heart to pump the blood throughout your body. If the blood isn’t getting to the tissues well enough to supply the with oxygen and carry off the waste, your body becomes acidic.

Acidity of the body starts in the blood stream.

Dr. Kancho Kuninaka, a renowned doctor in Japan who was one of the first to research and test ionized water treatment for medical conditions, found that practically all who had high blood pressure had a rather acidic body. He found that by consuming plenty of alkaline ionized water, the patients’ blood pressure lowered without fail.

There are several contributing factors to the lowering of the blood pressure. When you are drinking the alkaline ionized water your body is more able to absorb it, and therefore become hydrated, due to the fact that the micro-clustered molecules are easier for the body’s cells to absorb. And when you are hydrated fully the blood is thinner making the heart’s job easier to pump all the blood throughout the body. Another factor is the calcium ions in the alkaline ionized water. These help remove the built up plaque in your blood vessels. This makes it easier for the blood to flow, as well, lowering your blood pressure.

You cannot get these same results by simply drinking tap water or even bottled water, no matter how fancy the bottle or exotic sounding the name. That’s because no other water has the micro-clustered water molecules which absorb into all the cells in your body! Actual hydration like you have never experienced!

That’s why I am so passionate about water ionizers and helping educate as many as I can, as quickly as I can. 

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Ionized Water Can Work Wonders on Diaper Rash and Heat Rash

There are so many great uses for the two different kinds of water your electronic water ionizer puts out. Today we are going to go over a couple of great uses that all parents, grandparents, babysitters, et al, can appreciate: using mildly acidic ionized water to help with diaper rash and heat rash.

Diaper Rash

diaper rash, acidic ionized water

This time of year was always the time diaper rash flared up in my young children. The heat, humidity, increased activity and sweating would wreak havoc on their little bottoms. I went through bottles of the most popular baby ointments, and, while A&D worked the best, I still had this recurring issue.

Generally diaper rash is caused by leaving a soiled diaper on for too long, but it can also be caused by food allergies/sensitivities, sensitive skin, chafing, antibiotics, yeast or bacterial infection, etc.

My youngest was the most affected by diaper rash. I didn’t do anything different with her, she just always seemed to have diaper rash, even if mildly.

I wish I had known when my kids were in their diaper-wearing years that mildly acidic ionized water, with a pH of around 5.5, could work wonders on their diaper rash.

After wiping them up, wipe their bottoms using a cloth wet with acidic ionized water or spritzing them with a spray bottle filled with ionized water. You can purchase a dark glass spray bottle and keep the water in there, making it easier to throw in your diaper bag and keep at the various changing stations in your house.

I also recommend letting their bottom air dry before putting their new diaper on, but I know this isn’t always possible. You can still wipe them with the ionized water cloth or simply spritz them before fastening the diaper shut.

The mildly acidic water will kill the bacteria causing the diaper rash, as well as wipe off any chemical residues from the baby wipes and also from the diaper.

This also works well before applying any kind of ointment. It will make sure the area is fully clean and free of any remaining residue from the baby wipes and will allow the ointment to penetrate the skin better.

Lastly, I recommend bathing your child in this same acidic ionized water. You can heat it up on the stove before filling a small basin with it. Just make sure it’s not too hot before placing them in the bath water.

Heat Rash  

Heat rash is caused when the sweat glands are blocked and the sweat gets trapped under the skin, causing inflammation and rash. The degree of rash can vary from pesky to very painful.

As soon as you notice the symptoms of heat rash, apply a cool compress or rag dampened with strong acidic ionized water to the affected area until the compress cools off. Then wet it again with the acidic ionized water and re-apply. Also make sure you keep the area dry and clean once you’re finished with the compress. Repeat this every couple of hours.

I highly recommend keeping the skin exposed and letting it air dry before putting clothes back on. Also, there are some parts of the skin that are always covered like the armpits or under rolls of baby fat. I recommend keeping the skin affected with the heat rash exposed till it’s dry. You may have to hold your baby and keep the skin pulled taut to let it air dry in those tight crevices.

I hope you found this article helpful. And, of course, if the symptoms aren't improving or are worsening, contact your physician.