Monday, November 30, 2015

7 Awesome Facts About Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen is where it all begins. It's the first element on the Periodic Table. Understanding the importance of hydrogen is essential to fully understanding why it's essential for all life.

As I covered quite thoroughly in another blog wrote on hydrogen gas and alkaline water, there is a myriad of benefits to be had from consuming alkaline ionized water, which is rich in this element.

Hydrogen, hydrogen gas, h2, alkaline water, alkaline ionized water

7 Awesome Benefits of Hydrogen Water

1.  Drinking HydrogenAlkaline water contains hydrogen. Drinking alkaline water is one of the very best ways of getting the benefits of hydrogen working for you.

2. Help Prevent the Loss of Cognitive AbilityA recent study using mice as test subjects, showed that mice that drank hydrogen water experienced less neuro-degeneration than the mice that drank regular water.

3. Help with Metabolic SyndromeIn another study, subjects at risk of developing metabolic syndrome were studied for the effects of treating them with hydrogen water. The results of the study concluded that, “The [hydrogen-rich water generated via a magnesium stick] represents a potentially novel therapeutic and preventive strategy for metabolic syndrome.”

4. The Power of a Relaxing BathThe mythical idea of your health improving by ‘taking the waters’ has been proven to have its roots firmly rooted in fact. The ‘healing springs’ of Japan, Mexico, India and Lourdes contain dissolved hydrogen gas, and we now understand that they really are as beneficial as they are therapeutic.

5. Hydrogen Water Boosts Your EnergyMaking sure you’re always adequately hydrated is key to feeling energetic, but knowing that the hydrogen in alkaline water is boosting your energy at a cellular level will give you an even better incentive to drink up!

6. Improve Oral HygieneThere’s mounting evidence that hydrogen water can improve gum health, and also help neutralize acids in your mouth following a meal or snack

7. Fight Those Free Radicals!Drinking hydrogen-rich alkaline water is the perfect way to provide a defense against free radicals, which are responsible for oxidization – or decay – within our bodies.

Alkaline Ionized Water Recognized in Other Countries
Scientists in Japan and other countries recognize the value and importance of alkaline ionized water. Japan has gone from one of the unhealthiest countries to one of the healthiest by implementing this one item into their routine treatment of patients. It is only a matter of time before it becomes more widely-known and sought out in America. 

I urge you to improve your life and the lives of your family and friends by incorporating this one small, but huge, change into your routine. You will reap the benefits and you'll notice a change right away. Please feel free to comment with any questions and I will respond right away. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

Alkaline Recipes for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner! But like so many of us who are trying to maintain a healthy, alkaline diet, that turkey, those mashed potatoes and that pumpkin pie can wreak havoc on our efforts. Today I'm going to share some Thanksgiving-appropriate alkaline recipes that you don't have to feel too bad indulging in next Thursday.


I highly recommend starting with a big salad and an alkaline soup, filling your body with nutrient-dense foods before heading to the main course. This will fill you up and you can eat small portions of the rest of the acidic foods. Here is a great salad and soup that will bring a touch of sophistication to any Thanksgiving table:

Crispy Autumn Kale Salad 
(Recipe courtesy of HowSweetEats)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving

Pumpkin and Leek Soup
(Recipe courtesy of HillbillyHousewife)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Turkey

Ok, so while meat is acid-producing in the body, I suggest going easy on your turkey helpings. I would strive to maintain a 60/40 ratio of alkaline to acidic foods during big holiday feast.

However, soaking your bird in alkaline water for 30 minutes prior to roasting will help in getting a perfectly tender turkey and I'm sure it can't hurt your alkalinity.

Here is a good recipe you can follow:
Rosemary Turkey
(Recipe courtesy of AllRecipes)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving

Side Dishes

Green Beans with Caramelized Pecans
(Recipe courtesy of Epicurious)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving

Roasted Brussels Sprouts, Butternut Squash, Sweet Potatoes and Cinnamon
(Recipe courtesy of JuliasAlbum)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving


Pumpkin Pie
(Recipe courtesy of MyNaturalFamily)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving


Here's a very feestive, refreshing drink using alkaline water:

Cranberry Spritzer
(Recipe courtesy of TyentUSA)

alkaline, alkaline recipe, thanksgiving

Try out these some or all of these recipes this Thanksgiving and let me know how it turns out.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why do the Kangen Water Ionizers Cost so Much?

If you've done any research on water ionizers you've probably noticed that you can get a top-notch, high-quality machine for anywhere from $1000 to $3000. But when you look at getting a Kangen ionizer you're looking at spending a cool $4000. Why is that? Is their technology and product that much better? Let's take a look.

For the basic Kangen, again, you're looking at $4000. This is for a 7-plate water ionizer. The reason it's so much more expensive than, say, the Nexus Smart 7P Water Ionizer, which is priced at $1495.00,  is because it's a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) company. Any product you buy from a company like this, such as Mary Kay or Scentsy, you are going to pay at least double for the product.

Why do MLM Products Cost So Much More?

With an MLM company not only does the person you are directly buying from earn a commission, but so do the people above them. That's the allure of signing up as a distributor for one of these companies - you sign people up below you and you earn a percentage off of what they sell. This can then lead to a residual income so many of us desire as we get closer and closer to retirement. And some people do really well at this type of business. However, if you're looking for the best product at the best price, I highly recommend cutting out the middle men and purchasing directly from the company, or if that isn't possible, from a company that buys directly from the manufacturer.

With the Kangen company, there are a total of eight, yes, 8 people, who get paid each time a Kangen machine gets sold. In order to make enough to pay all of these distributors and make enough profit, their prices have to be higher.

The reason given for a higher price is the larger plates in the water ionizer and therefore more platinum needed. However, as talked about in great detail in this blog article, that is most definitely not always a guarantee of better.

For example, with the Jupiter Athena water ionizer you are getting a product that is above and beyond the comparable Kangen ionizer, the SD501. I have a demo of both machines here in this video demonstration I produced.

The Jupiter Athena water ionizer is a better product and much more affordable, coming in at a whopping $1500 less than the Enagic Kangen SD501.

With all this said, I highly recommend doing all the research you want on water ionizers. I have a plethora of information, articles, research, videos, etc available on my website and my YouTube page. I am not biased to one machine or one company and only want to provide accurate information on the best water ionizers out there. I have spent a lot of time collecting data, analyzing ionizers, comparing them and also looking at the integrity of each company and I hope you take the time to get enlightened on this vast subject. Please let me know if you have any questions; I am more than happy to answer them.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Staying Hydrated in Cold Weather

It may seem like you don’t need as much water in the winter as you do in the summer - you’re cold and definitely not sweating; you maybe aren’t exercising as much or spending as much time outside. But, did you know you can get just as dehydrated, if not more, in the winter?

When your body is cold it has certain mechanisms to help keep it warm and regulate its temperature. It constricts blood vessels, which raises blood pressure. This in turn causes the kidneys to produce more urine so there is slightly less blood volume and less pressure in the veins and arteries. This loss of fluids contributes to dehydration. Also, when you see your breath outside that is steam coming from your mouth. Your body is losing moisture through breathing and this also aids in dehydration if you aren’t replacing this moisture with enough quality fluids throughout the day. Another way you may be losing water, which sometimes goes unnoticed is when it’s very dry outside. If you do happen to sweat it evaporates very quickly, so you may not even realize you are perspiring at all.

The Most Important Reason to Stay Hydrated

cold, flu, ill, alkaline water, alkaline ionized water, cold season, flu season

The number one reason to stay hydrated during the cold months: cold and flu season. With a body that is well hydrated it can easily move toxins, bacteria and viruses through the body. It will keep the digestive tract healthy and able to move waste products through the body efficiently. It will also keep the kidneys functioning well so they can play their part in moving waste through the body. When you’re hydrated your body is also better able to absorb the nutrition from your food, which only helps in fighting off illnesses.

With alkaline ionized water you are better hydrated with the smaller clusters of molecules making up the water. Your cells can more easily absorb the water and keep the cells pure and functioning properly. Also, when the acidic waste builds up in your body, the alkaline ionized water flushes them out, all while keeping your body alkaline.

Tips for Staying Hydrated Through the Winter

When consuming diuretics (foods, liquids, medication) that pull water out of your body, such as caffeine, alcohol and some medications, I can’t stress enough that you need to balance these with an equal or greater amount of water. And try to steer clear from consuming too much caffeine and alcohol.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and veggies! They generally have a good amount of water and this water content counts, too, towards the amount of water you should consume daily.

Try to cut back on sodium-laden foods. Processed foods and foods from most restaurants are overly salted and can dehydrate you.

Drink plenty of water before, during and after exercising! Even if you don’t feel sweaty! This will help keep your body hydrated, cut down on muscle cramps, as well as fatigue.
And remember, drink enough water to keep your urine relatively clear, with just a slight yellow hue to it. For most people this is around 8 glasses a day. However, I strongly urge you to drink half your weight in fluid ounces of water. A 200-pound person should therefore drink 100 ounces of water each day. This can be adjusted based on activity level, if you’re currently experiencing vomiting or diarrhea (which dehydrate you), have been sick recently, etc. But taking a peek after you use the bathroom is a good way to tell whether you’re getting enough water.

Here are some more pertinent articles I have written over the years that cover this subject from different angles. Check them out to get further enlightened on this subject: