Sunday, January 24, 2016

New Year's Resolutions

It's the third week of January and I wanted to check in on everyone's New Year's Resolutions. I know most of us made a resolute decision to lose weight, eat healthier, get healthier, get fit or exercise more. A lot of us bought gym memberships or a new piece of exercise equipment. But most people fall back into their same ol' habits by February. But we are going to talk about how something as simple as changing your water can help you keep all those resolutions.

2016, resolutions, working out

Alkaline Ionized Water and Weight Loss

So many, if not all, body diseases and disorders are caused by a pH that is too low. The body is acidic. It has built up acidic waste that the body hasn't been able to get rid of. One of these malfunctions of the body that more than 1/2 of Americans suffer from is excess body fat. Did you know that the body stores the acidic waste inside the fat cells to protect the body from them. It's a defense mechanism that works, but when you have too much waste built up in your body, it affects the proper functioning of your body and all biochemical processes.

By drinking plenty, and I do mean plenty, of alkaline water, you can help turn the tides in your body. This water helps flush out the acidic waste and make your body more alkaline. By getting these wastes out out of your cells it's easier for you to shed those extra pounds.

See my article here which goes into more detail on this one specific topic. It'll help explain a lot, especially if you've counted calories, cut portions, cut out your fat intake, etc with little luck in losing weight.

Alkaline Ionized Water and your Workouts

Alkaline water helps tremendously with sustaining you during workouts. So many customers of mine have been thrilled with the extra energy they feel while working out and drinking alkaline ionized water. It helps with both ridding the body of the acid wastes produced while exercising, but also neutralizing free radicals floating around.

If you have the resolution of exercising more or working out at the gym regularly, I can't recommend strongly enough how much a water ionizer will help in your goal.

Read this article here for more information

Alkaline Ionized Water and Your Health

Drinking plenty of water is essential to your health. Alkaline ionized water is far better than any other water you can drink - tap, bottled, distilled, filtered or reverse osmosis.

The health benefits of water are abundant, but here are some, to name a few:

Water helps keep lungs clear and free of mucous
Water helps reduce the risk of cancer
Water keeps the kidneys functioning properly
Water helps regulate blood pressure
Water helps transport nutrients throughout your body

You can click here and read more about the health benefits of water, and especially alkaline water.

As you can see, alkaline water will help you greatly in achieving your New Year's Resolutions and sticking to them throughout the year and for years to come.

Visit our store now and take a look at the broad selection of ionizers we offer. We have one for every budget and also offer affordable payment plans.

Reach out if you need help selecting the best one for your needs.


Unknown said...

Hi people,
Thank you so much for this wonderful article really!
If someone want to learn more about Alkaline Water System I think this is the right place for you!

KYK INDIA said...

Thanks for sharing such informative information. Alkine water have lots of benefits .its increase our PH value ,slow down our aging and good for skin .you can read ionized alkaline water benefits and about best alkaline water ionizer machine