Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Are You Dehydrated?

We all are probably guilty of thinking we are drinking enough water, only to come to find out we really aren't. Especially with all the soda and coffee we seem to drink, which further dehydrates us, we are probably getting less water than we think we are. 

dehydrated, water, water ionizer, signs of dehydration


Today we will go over some ways you can tell if you're dehydrated and need more water:

1. One way you can check immediately if you're in need of more water is by gently pinching the skin on the back of your hand, between your wrist and your knuckles. If the skin snaps back quickly that is a good sign, but if the skin is slow to go back it's safe to assume you should increase your water consumption.

2. Check the color of your urine. If you're drinking enough water it will be a very light yellow color.

3. Is your skin dry? Instead of coating your skin with perfumed lotions filled with chemicals, drink more water and increase your Omega-3 fatty acids.

4. Do you have bad breath? Saliva has antibacterial qualities so if you don't have enough of it you can develop bad breath. When you're dehydrated your body can't produce enough saliva to keep your mouth as clean as it should be.

5. Did you know that a sweet tooth can be a sign of dehydration? It can! Certain organs like your liver need plenty of water to release components of your stores of energy. So if you aren't hydrated well and you need energy, instead of your body being able to use some of its own stored energy you get a craving for sugar, sweets or some other form of simple carbohydrates. The next time you want to reach for the afternoon Snickers, grab instead a bowl of fruit, such as watermelon or pineapple that has a high water content. This will both satisfy your sweet tooth and help hydrate you.

6. Do you get charlie horses or other muscle cramping? That, too, can be a sign you need to reach for that glass of water.

7. Headaches. Your brain sits in a sac of fluid that keeps it from bumping into the skull. If it is depleted of water, it can knock into the skull leading to headaches.

8. Are you constipated? Water helps move waste through your colon. Again, without enough water, your body can't efficiently move the waste through your body.

What to Do if You Have Any of These Symptoms

I highly recommend getting an electric water ionizer to ensure total hydration. Like we have talked about here and here, the micro-clustered molecules of the ionized water is better able to be absorbed by the body's cells.

Check out our wide selection of ionizers here and feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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