Monday, March 2, 2015

Why Soda Is so Harmful to Your Health

We have all enjoyed a cold glass of Coke or Pepsi. It tastes so good, can it really be THAT bad for you? Well, let's go over what happens when you drink such an acidic drink like soda.

The pH Scale

The pH scale ranges from 0-14, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. Our bodies need to maintain a pH as close to 7.4 as possible for optimum health. If it becomes too acidic or too alkaline, different functions of the body can't take place.

It can be difficult for the body to maintain this pH level given the large amounts of acid-producing foods in our diets. Doctors actually began researching the effects of acid-producing and alkaline-producing foods on our bodies in the early 1900s.

As you can see by the picture below, the closer the food gets to the bottom of the pH scale the more acidic it becomes. And it's acidity grows exponentially. A food that has a pH of 2 is 1,000,000 times more acidic than a food that has a pH of 8!

ph, acidity, alkaline, soda

The Effects of Soda and Other Soft Drinks

Coca-Cola has a pH of about 2.5. This is very, very acidic. About 50,000 times more acidic than tap water.

Your body is working second after second, minute after minute to maintain a healthy pH level. But if we add drinks and foods into our bodies that are acid-producing, the body has to work even harder to maintain that 7.4 pH level. So, what does the body do when it isn't receiving the proper nutrition to keep it at this level? It will take alkali minerals, such as calcium from your bones, to stabilize itself. The body will actually take calcium from your bones and teeth or magnesium from your bones and cells in order to preserve itself. This definitely explains why America is the leading country in terms of osteoporosis, yet we consume the most calcium on the planet, by way of milk and dairy products, calcium supplements, etc. And this is also a huge contributing factor to the amount of obesity in America.

But I Drink Diet Soda – No Calories

This leads us to the next alkali mineral that your body will leach if it needs to keep it at a balanced pH: Iodine. Iodine is a mineral that helps the thyroid function. Your thyroid, the gland responsible for your metabolism, can't properly function without a sufficient amount of iodine. So, even if you're drinking a diet soda with zero calories, you're still flooding your body with an acidic drink that triggers certain mechanisms in the body to use the iodine to maintain a balanced pH.

How to Determine Your Acidity Level

Here are some symptoms of being too acidic:

Are you chronically fatigued?
Do you run out of breath easily?
Do you find yourself sighing or taking deep breaths for no apparent reason?
Do your muscles cramp up after walking short distances? 
Do you sometimes feel you just can't get enough air? 

These are signs that your body is too acidic.

You can also test the pH of your saliva or urine. We offer a free 80-pieced pH test kit

What to Do Next

Kick the soda habit and replace it with alkaline ionized water to help your body maintain your healthy pH level! And watch as the weight comes off and you regain a healthy, energetic body!

Good luck!

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