Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cancer and Alkaline Ionized Water

When cancer patients come into my office … their bodies are almost always very acidic and toxic. My first task is to get their tissues to alkalinize with alkaline water and alkaline foods.” — Dr. Don Colbert, M.D., author, The Seven Pillars of Health

Body pH and Disease

Most diseases, bacteria and viruses cannot sustain life in a well-oxygenated environment. These pathogens die off when the environment they are in reach a pH of 7.6. When your body becomes too acidic, these pathogens can start growing.

An acidic body starts killing its own healthy cells, has a weakened immune system and cannot fight off disease as well as a more alkaline body.

A medical doctor by the name of Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1931 for his tremendous discoveries in Medicine. He discovered that cancer cells are not fueled by oxygen as normal cells are. The high levels of oxygen that are found in healthy, alkaline bodies are toxic to cancers. He found that cancers get their energy from sugars and a process of fermentation in acidic environments. He proved empirically the relationship between cancers, acidic body pH, and cellular oxygen starvation. His findings demonstrated that cancers are merely a symptom of acidosis, and therefore it is impossible to truly cure any cancer without first curing the underlying acidosis.

alkaline acidic disease ionized water cancer

Creating an Alkaline Body

Drinking alkaline ionized water contributes in three ways to creating a more alkaline body.

1) The antioxidant property of the water helps get rid of free radicals in the body that destroy healthy tissue and cells.

2) The micro-clustered water molecules of the alkaline water are far easier for your body to absorb, which helps flush out toxins from your body that lead to an acidic environment.

3) Alkaline water helps balance the pH of the body, making it more alkaline and less acidic. It has an abundance of ionic alkaline minerals and these are more available for your body to use in making it more alkaline.

In this article here I have more research done on this topic, along with quotes from reputable sources, so I highly suggest taking a look at that as well. Doctors/Experts

And I, of course, highly recommend you invest in an electric water ionizer for your continued health and the continued health of your family.  


KYK INDIA said...

Water ionizer alkaline Ionized Water for drinking and Acidic Water for cleaning.Can you really believe all the hype about alkaline water machines? Approved by FDA, be the part of revolutionary ionized alkaline water.

ayaan said...

I exactly got what you mean, thanks for posting. And, I am too much happy to find this website on the world of Google. water ionizers

jayex said...

thanks for sharing information