Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Alkaline Water and the Health of Your Feet

Man, summer got here fast. And you know what that means – sandals and open-toed shoes for the next 5-6 months. Let's make sure your tootsies are ready for that kind of exposure all summer long.

acidic water, pedicure, ionized water, athletes foot

Alkaline Water and Toenail/Foot Fungus

I know this is probably either an embarrassing or icky topic to talk about, but I'm sure most of us have dealt with it or know someone who has and it's good to have a solution ready. I have unfortunately had the bad experience of removing my toenail polish and seeing a little black spot on my big toenail. This was about a month after getting a pedicure and I knew that their foot tubs must not have been cleaned properly. I knew better than to go back there again. And I wish I had known about this easy solution to help.

We all have fungus and bacteria lurking around on our feet. It's just whether it takes over and becomes damaging to the toenails and eventually the toenail beds.

But here is a way to stop the fungus in its tracks. This also works well for athlete's foot, which, by the way, is not just for athletes. Anyone can get it. Especially if you walk barefoot in a gym locker room, public swimming pool, hot tubs, etc.

Here's what you will need:

2.5 pH acidic water
11.5 pH alkaline water
A spray bottle
A tub or other receptacle to soak your feet in


1. Twice a day, spray the affected area with  2.5 pH acidic water. Do not dry with a towel, but allow to air dry.
2. For severe cases, soak affected areas in 11.5 pH for 20 minutes up to 4 times a week.3. After soaking, pat dry then completely air dry and spray nails with 2.5 pH acidic water and let air dry.4. Moisturize with hydrating lotion.

Along with this daily regimen, I suggest treating your footwear in this fashion:
1. Wash socks thoroughly with 2.5 pH water and allow them to soak.
2. Soak tennis shoe in 2.5 pH water for an hour before washing.
3. Spray inside of shoes thoroughly with 2.5 pH water and allow to dry.

This regimen will also cut down on dry, cracked skin on your heels and toes.

Feel free to let me know how this goes for you and if you have any questions.

Read on...
...for more ways to use a water ionizer.
...for more testimonials from people drinking ionized water.

1 comment:

robin nicole said...

My wife and I suffered from HSV for over 14 years without a possible way to get rid of it, when we went to find out about the weakness, our whole world almost changed. There are so many things that can be said abt the suffering and frustration of people with herpes, we look back now and realize in many ways how lucky we were to have found Dr Okosun, a herbal doctor from africa. He was able to get rid of herpes totally with herbal medicine. I was impressed by how effective the herbal formula was. I recommend y,all suffering from drug resistance viruses and diseases to Dr okosun.